No, ground coffee does not weigh the same as coffee beans. When coffee beans are ground, their size and density change, resulting in a different weight.
Freshly roasted coffee beans are typically denser and larger in size compared to ground coffee. When the beans are ground, they break down into smaller particles, increasing the surface area. This allows for better extraction of flavors during brewing. However, this also means that the volume of the coffee increases while the weight decreases.
On average, coffee beans may weigh around 1.3 grams per bean, depending on the variety and size. When ground, the weight of coffee can range from 0.8 to 1 gram per milliliter, depending on the grind size. Coarse grinds tend to have a lower weight, while finer grinds have a higher weight.
It's important to note that the weight of ground coffee will also depend on factors such as the roast level and the moisture content of the beans. Darker roasts usually result in beans that are less dense and may produce slightly lighter ground coffee compared to lighter roasts.
If you are looking to measure coffee accurately, using a Scale to measure the weight of both the whole beans and the ground coffee is recommended. This will help ensure consistency and precision in your brewing process.